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  • Furniture Stores | Stuttgart FAQ

    Magazine de mobilă New Furniture Formular TVA acceptat * OTTO offers you a wide selection of products - from multimedia & household electronics to fashion & lingerie for women, men, and children to furniture, home accessories, and hardware store items. MFO's motto is, "sleep better cheaply." MFO offers mattresses for every budget. MFO also offers slatted frames, pillows, bed linen - in short, everything you need for a good night's sleep. MFO sets itself apart from other stores by offering king-size mattresses. Oferă piese contemporane, incomparabile și unice - și toate la prețuri corecte. JYSK offers high-quality Scandanavian furniture at good prices. All their gold mattresses come with a 25-year warranty. Möbel AS offers its customers a wide range from all living areas at extremely reasonable prices. ROLLER se mândrește cu oferirea de „mobilier inteligent”, astfel încât să vă puteți mobila casa cu lucruri grozave, cu un buget redus. Hofmeister oferă de peste 125 de ani mobilier și accesorii de mobilier selectate și elegante pentru casa ta. Hofmeister oferă o selecție de mobilier de la producători cunoscuți și branduri de design cunoscute; În plus, mărcile proprii ale Hofmeister cu diferite stiluri de mobilier într-un raport preț-performanță unic favorabil. Colecția Petra Home are mobilier și decor pentru fiecare cameră din casa ta. Oferim mobilier din lemn masiv complet personalizabil, fabricat în Europa, din resurse durabile și tapițerie de calitate din cele mai fine țesături și textile. Aștept cu nerăbdare să vă ajut să creați o atmosferă primitoare de casă, care să fie naturală, locuibilă și unică. Clienții conștienți de prețuri vor găsi o gamă completă de mobilier, bucătării, articole de uz casnic, textile pentru casă, vopsele, tapete, covoare și articole electrice și multe altele la Poco. XXXLutz offers furniture and home accessories in a wide variety of styles, materials, and price ranges. XXXLutz focuses on customer satisfaction and is dedicated to offering all products related to living at the best price and the best quality. IKEA furniture and home accessories are practical, well designed, and affordable. IKEA is an excellent choice for those who often move with over 400 stores in 63 different countries. You can always find that matching piece of furniture or a replacement dish. Join the free Ikea Family program to receive exclusive advantages, product replacement if damaged during transport or assembly, a free hot drink, workshops, discounts, digital receipts, and more. New Furniture This site contains links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Pre-Owned Furniture Pre-Owned Furniture Bookoo is a website selling items locally, a free place to buy and sell stuff from your neighbors, similar to Craigslist, and is primarily Americans on the site. No shipping, no fees, no difficulties. Cu caritas vă puteți configura complet. Nu au întotdeauna totul, dar programul acceptă, mobilier tapițat, dulapuri, bucătării, măsuțe de cafea, mobilier de sufragerie și scaune. Accepts donations You can find good deals for pre-loved furniture and household accessories on eBay Kleinanzeingen. This site is only local people selling. There is no bidding; prices are set. Femos-möbelhalle din Böblingen-Hulb oferă mobilier de ocazie. În plus, există mobilier nou și articole donate din piața de vechituri. Oferind mobilier și mobilier ieftin și reduce cantitatea de deșeuri voluminoase într-un mod sensibil din punct de vedere ecologic. (...) Acceptă donații cu serviciul de preluare. Accepts donations with pick-up service Nimm's mit beim Schmidt oferă mobilier uzat și model de podea la prețuri excelente. Translations Translations Rooms in the Home English Attic Balcony Basement Bathroom Bedroom Cellar Child's B edroom Dining Room Garden Hall Kitchen Living Room Office Room Study Terrace German* Dachboden Balkon Souterrain Badezimmer Schlafzimmer Keller Kinderzimmer Esszimmer Garten Flur Küche Wohnzimmer Büro Zimmer Arbeitszimmer Terrasse Furnishings English Air Mattress Armchair Bed Blanket Cabinet Carpet Chair Changing Table Chest of Drawers Clock Coat Rack Coffee Table Couch Crib Curtain Desk Dining Table Dresser Furniture Highchair Lamp Light Lounge Chair Mattress Mirror Night Stand Ottoman Outdoor Furniture Picture Picture Frame Piece of Furniture Pillow Pillowcase Reclining Chair Rocking Chair Sheets Shelf Shoe Storage Side Table Sofa Sofa Bed Sun Lounger Table Towel Wardrobe German* Luftmatratze -n Sessel -s Bett -en Decke -n Schrank -äe Teppich -s Stuhl -üe Wickeltisch -e Kommode - Uhr -en Kleiderablage - Couchtisch - Couch -es Babybett -en Vorhang -äe / Gardine -n Schreibtisch -e Esstishch -e Kommode - Möbel Hochstuhl -üe Lampe -n Licht -s Klubsessel -s Matratze -n Spiegel -s Nachttisch -e Fußhocker -s Gartenmöbel Bild -er Bildrrahmen -s Möbelstück Kissen -s Kopfkissenbezug -üe Ruhesessel -s Schaukelstuhl -üe Bettlaken Regal -e Schuhaufbewahrung -en Beistelltisch -e Sofa -s Schlafcouch -es Sonnenliege Tisch -e Handtuch -üer Kleiderschrank -äe Materials English Cotton Down Fabric Faux Leather Glass Leather Metal Plastic Suede Upholstered Wood German* Baumwolle -n Daune Stoff -e Kunstleder -s Glas -äer Leder -s Metall -e Kunstoff -e Veloursleder -s gepolstert Holz -öer Colors English Black Blue Brown Gold Gray Green Orange Pink Purple Red Silver White Yellow ​ German schwarz blau braun Gold grau grün orange rosa lila rot Silber weiß gelb *Text color indicates the article gender der die das die More Shopping Top of Page New Furniture Pre-Owned Furniture Translations Furniture Stores 1 Furniture Stores 2 Furniture Stores 3 Furniture Stores 4

  • Clothing & Shoe Stores | Stuttgart FAQ

    Top of Page Clothing Stores Shoes Clothing & Shoe Size Conversions Translations Clothing & Shoe Stores 1 Clothing & Shoe Stores 2 Clothing & Shoe Stores 3 Clothing & Shoe Stores 4 Clothing & Shoe Stores 5 Clothing & Shoe Stores 6 Magazine de îmbrăcăminte și multe altele În și în jurul orașului Stuttgart, veți găsi numeroase magazine de îmbrăcăminte și magazine, inclusiv multe lanțuri de magazine cunoscute. Știu că poate fi intimidant și frustrant să vă plimbați prin magazin atunci când căutați un anumit obiect. Mai jos veți găsi o mică probă a magazinelor de îmbrăcăminte din Stuttgart pentru a vă începe călătoria la cumpărături. De asemenea, mai jos, veți găsi, de asemenea, diagrame și traduceri de conversie pentru îmbrăcăminte și încălțăminte. Navigate to Clothing Stores In search of the perfect clothing stores in Stuttgart? With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming. But don't worry - we're here to help! We have listed a few of our favorite stores in the city, catering to every style and budget to get you started. Read More Size Conversions Need to convert your shoe size to European sizes? We've got you covered! Our size conversion charts include sizes for men, women, and children, making it easy to find the perfect fit for the whole family. Read More Shoe Stores Are you looking for the perfect pair of shoes in Stuttgart? You are in luck. Stuttgart is home to a wide variety of shoe stores to suit every taste and budget. To help you get started, we've compiled a list of some of our favorite stores in the city. Read More Translations Shopping for clothes in a foreign country can be intimidating, especially if you're unfamiliar with the local language. Stuttgart FAQ has compiled translations to help you on your shopping adventure. Read More Navigate to Clothing Stores for Entire Family View More Shoes View More Infant, Toddler & Maternity View More Men's & Women's View More Mensware View More Costumes & Fest Ware View More Women's & Girls View More Formal Wear View More Outdoor & Sportswear View More Clothing & Shoe Stores To help you navigate the wide variety of clothing and shoe stores in Stuttgart, we've created a series of slideshows grouped into categories to make it easier to find what you're looking for. You'll find a small sampling of stores in each category, and each store's logo is linked to their website, so you can easily find hours and locations. You'll notice a few symbols on each slide next to the store names. If you see a euro sign, it indicates the average price range of items in that store. If you see the American flag, it means the store accepts VAT forms. Always check with the store before using a VAT form. Their participation status is subject to change. Prețul mediu al articolului € - 10-25 € €€ - 25-50 € €€€ -50-100 € €€€€ -100 € + €€ - 25-50€ €€€ - 50-100€ €€€€ - 100€+ Formular TVA acceptat * Clothing Stores Entire Family Women's & Girl's Our website is supported by our users. This site contains links to an affiliate website. We receive a small affiliate commission for any purchases you make on the affiliate website using such links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Clothing for the Entire Family Are you looking for a one-stop shop for all your family's clothing needs in Stuttgart? Look no further! Below, you will find a list of stores that offer a wide range of clothing options for the whole family, from babies and children to adults. Men's & Women's Clothing Stuttgart has a rich fashion scene, offering a wide range of options for men's and women's clothing. Stuttgart has something for everyone regarding fashion, with a wide range of stores that cater to both men and women. So whether you're looking for high-end designer wear or more affordable options, you'll find it in this stylish German city. Women's & Girls' Clothing No matter your style or budget, a clothing store in Stuttgart is perfect for you. Don't be afraid to try out different stores; take your time to find the perfect pieces. Happy shopping! Menswear Are you a man searching for stylish clothing in Stuttgart? You're in luck! The city is home to a wide range of stores that cater to men's fashion, offering everything from casual wear to formal suits. Infant, Children & Maternity Clothing In need of infant or children's clothing or are expecting a little one and looking for maternity wear, there are plenty of stores to choose from. So no matter what you're looking for, whether it's everyday essentials or something special for a special occasion, you're sure to find something to suit your needs at one of the many infants, children's, and maternity stores in Stuttgart. Outdoor & Sportswear If you're an outdoor enthusiast living in or visiting Stuttgart, you're in luck! The city has a wide range of outdoor and sportswear clothing stores, ensuring you have the gear you need for all your favorite activities. With so many options available, you're sure to find everything you need to enjoy the great outdoors in Stuttgart. Formal Wear If you need formal wear or a wedding dress while living in Stuttgart, you'll be happy to know that the city has many options. So whether you're looking for a traditional or more modern gown, you're sure to find something that suits your style and budget. Costumes & Fest Wear There are many opportunities to dress up in costume throughout the year in Stuttgart. From Fasching to Halloween, plenty of events and parties allow you to let your creative side shine, and you don't want to be the person that shows up to Frühlingsfest or Volksfest without Lederhosen or a Dirndl. Shoes If you need a new pair of shoes, you're in luck. Stuttgart is home to many shoe stores, catering to a wide range of tastes and budgets. So whether you're in the market for a new pair of dress shoes for the office or a comfortable pair of sneakers for a day out and about, you'll have no shortage of options in Stuttgart. Men's & Women's Menswear Infant, Children & Maternity Outdoor & Sportswear Costumes & Fest Wear Formal Wear Shoes Clothing & Shoe Size Conversions Dimensiunile pot varia în funcție de marcă sau magazin, dar următoarele conversii se bazează pe media universală de dimensionare pentru a vă ajuta să ajungeți la secțiunea corectă de pe raft. Notă: dimensionarea franceză este de asemenea utilizată în Belgia, Spania și Portugalia. Clothing & Shoe Size Conversions Navigate to Size Conversions for Women View More Men View More Children View More Women's Clothing & Shoe Size Conversions Men's Clothing & Shoe Size Conversio ns Children's Clothing & Shoe Size Conversions Women's Sizes Men's Sizes Children's Sizes Translations Traduceri Engleză (...) Îmbrăcăminte Magazin de haine Curea Bikini Bluză Cizmă Papion Sutien Brăţară Capac Palton Costum Bumbac Magazin universal Rochie Donează Cercel Cabină de amenajare Mănușă Pălărie Pantofi cu toc Hanorac cu gluga Jachetă / paltoane Salopeta Genunchii Capac de tricot Jambiere Colier Salopete Chiloți Pantaloni Costum de pantaloni Ciorapi / Colanți Poliester Trage pe dreapta Inel Sandale Eșarfă La mâna a doua Cămaşă Pantof Magazin de pantofi (magazin) Pantaloni scurti Fustă Ciorap Spandex Haina sport Costum Costum de baie Trunchiuri de înot Tanktop Tricou Cravată Lenjerie (...) Vestă Ceas Lână German * Kleidung Bekleidungsgeschäft Gürtel Bikini Bluse Stiefel Fliege BH-Büstenhalter Armkette Kappe Mantel Kostüm Baumwolle Kaufhaus Kleid spenden Ohrring Umkleidekabine Handschuh Hut Absätzen Kapuzenpulli Jacke Jumpsuit Strumpf Mütze Leggings Halskette Latzhose Slip Hose Hosenanzug Strumpfhose Polyester Pullover Ring Sandalen Schal /Tuch secondhand Hemd Schuh Schuhgeschäft Shorts Rock Socke Elastan Jackett Anzug Badeanzug Badehose Trägerhemd T-Shirt Krawatte /Schlips Tracht Unterhose Unterwäsche Unterhemd Uhr Wolle Descriptori Limba germana* (...) Farbe schwarz blau braun grau grün portocale rosa lila putrezi weiß gelb Muster Blumen Nadelstreifen getupfte gestreift (...) Engleză (...) Culori Negru Albastru Maro gri Verde portocale Roz Violet roșu alb Galben (...) Model Floral Benzi Buline In dungi (...) * Culoarea textului indică genul articolului der die das die

  • Bikes on Trains & Bike Rental | Stuttgart FAQ

    Top of Page Bikes on Trains Service Stations Bike Rental Bikes on Trains & Bike Rental 1 Bikes on Trains & Bike Rental 2 Bikes on Trains & Bike Rental 3 Bikes on Trains & Bike Rental 4 Biciclete în transportul public & Închirieri biciclete Stuttgart, Germany, is a vibrant city with a rich culture and history. It is also an excellent city for cyclists, with plenty of bike lanes and trails to explore. Recently, the city has become increasingly bicycle-friendly, making it an ideal destination for cyclists of all abilities. Stuttgart is home to an extensive network of bike lanes and trails, making it easy to get around the city on two wheels. The city also has several bike-sharing programs, making it easy to rent a bicycle for an afternoon or a day. Several bike paths run through the town, allowing cyclists to explore the city's parks, gardens, and other attractions. In addition, Stuttgart offers several mountain biking trails for those looking for a more challenging ride. These trails are designed for more experienced cyclists, with rugged terrain and stunning views. The city also has several bicycle shops, making it easy to find the right bike and accessories or to rent an E-bike. In addition, there are service stations at many train stops. Navigate to Bikes on Trains Navigate the ins and outs of taking your bike on the train. Read More Service Stations Where to find bike service stations. Read More Bike Rental Navigate your options for renting a bike in Stuttgart. Read More Transportul de biciclete în transportul public Cunoașterea regulilor de a lua o bicicletă cu tine în trenuri sau autobuze poate fi puțin confuză. Sperăm că acest lucru vă va ajuta să clarificați când și ce linii sunt permise bicicletele. Stuttgart este un oraș potrivit pentru biciclete, cu multe drumuri dedicate numai bicicletelor. Google Maps oferă opțiunea de a selecta modul de transport cu bicicleta, iar VVS oferă, de asemenea, un planificator de cicluri pe site-ul lor web. U-Bahn Bicycles are allowed free of charge except for the following times: U-Bahn (...) Bicicletele sunt permise gratuit, cu excepția orelor următoare. Biciclete interzise Luni - Vineri, cu excepția sărbătorilor legale 6:00 - 8:30 16:00 la 18:30 Zacke Zacke (...) Bicicletele sunt permise gratuit numai în orice moment, în sus, de la Marienplatz la Degerloch și nu este posibilă încărcarea sau descărcarea pe parcurs. Load bicycle on the bike platform located at the front or back of the train. S-Bahn S-Bahn (...) Bicicletele sunt permise gratuit, cu excepția orelor următoare. Încărcați întotdeauna la ușă cu un simbol de bicicletă lângă fundul trenului. Bicicletele sunt permise cu un bilet suplimentar pentru copii cumpărat: Luni - Vineri, cu excepția sărbătorilor legale 6:00 - 9:00 Bicycles are allowed with an additional purchase of a child's ticket: Monday - Friday Excluding public holidays 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m Always load at the door with a bicycle symbol near the bottom of the train. Bus ​ Autobuz Bicicletele nu sunt permise în autobuzele din Stuttgart. În următoarele orașe, două biciclete sunt permise gratuit în autobuz la anumite ore. (...) Böblingen, Esslingen, Ludwigsburg și Rems-Murr-Kreis Luni - Vineri, cu excepția sărbătorilor legale 18:30 până la ultimul autobuz al zilei (...) Toată ziua sâmbăta, duminica și sărbătorile legale. (...) In the following cities, two bicycles are allowed on the bus free of charge at certain times. ​ Böblingen, Esslingen, Ludwigsburg & Rems-Murr-Kreis Monday - Friday Excluding public holidays 6:30 p.m. until the last bus of the day All-day on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays ​ Stații de service Bikes on Trains Service Stations Stațiile de tren din toată zona Stuttgart au stații de reparații pentru biciclete cu servicii complete, închiriere de biciclete și parcare securizată pentru biciclete. Prețurile serviciilor sunt rezonabile. (...) Bad Cannstatt Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Feuerbach Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ludwigsburg Monday to Sunday 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Kirchheim/Teck Monday to Saturday 7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Möhringen Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Stații care oferă aceste servicii fantastice: (...) Bad Cannstatt Luni până vineri între orele 07:00 - 20:00 Esslingen De marți până vineri 9:00 - 18:00 Sâmbătă 9:00 - 13:00 (...) Feuerbach Luni până vineri între orele 07:00 - 20:00 (...) Kirchheim / Teck Luni până sâmbătă 7:00 - 19:30 (...) Ludwigsburg Luni până duminică 6:00 - 21:00 (...) Möhringen Luni până vineri între orele 07:00 - 20:00 (...) Vaihingen Luni până vineri între orele 07:00 - 20:00 Esslingen Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Prețuri sigure, acoperite pentru parcarea bicicletelor (...) (...) 0,50 € pe zi 2 € pe săptămână 5 € pe lună 50 € pe an (...) Prețuri închiriere biciclete (...) (...) 3-5 € pe zi (...) 0.50€ per day 2€ per week 5€ per month 50€ per year Bicycle Rental Prices 3€-5€ per day Where to Rent a Bike Find a Bike Mai multe magazine din Stuttgart oferă biciclete de închiriat. Acestea sunt opțiunile pe care le-am încercat. Bike Rental

  • Active-Duty Housing | Stuttgart FAQ

    Top of Page Housing Policy Unaccompanied Personnel Accompanied Personnel Certificate of Non-Availability Off-Base House Hunting Off-Base Rental Lease Advice Active-Duty Housing 1 Active-Duty Housing 2 Procesul de locuire Activitate USAG Stuttgart are o sarcină 100% obligatorie pentru locuința de bază (la post) pentru tot personalul activ. (...) Pagina de locuințe a site-ului USAG Stuttgart doar recent (august 2020) a primit un nou aspect actualizat și oferă acum politica și informațiile relevante mai concis. Înainte de actualizare, găsirea informațiilor privind politica era la fel de ușoară ca și găsirea unui ac într-un fân. Politica obligatorie de bază pentru locuințe ne-a orbit . Sponsorul nostru nu a fost conștient de politică și nu a cunoscut pe nimeni care locuia involuntar în locuințe de bază, așa că nu a menționat-o niciodată. Nu sunt angajat de bază sau de guvern. Scopul meu este să evidențiez informațiile esențiale și să răspund la întrebările pe care le văd adresate atât de des înainte de a mă muta la Stuttgart. Sperăm că acest lucru vă oferă cele mai importante momente, astfel încât să puteți avea mai puțin stres în ceea ce privește situația locativă decât noi. Acum, că știi că politica este în vigoare, ce trebuie să știi? Informații importante privind politica de locuință (...) TOATE gradele militare sunt supuse atribuirii obligatorii a locuințelor de bază Personal neînsoțit E6 și mai jos vor fi alocate cazarmelor, indiferent de ramura serviciului. (...) E7 și peste locuințe de contact pentru disponibilitatea unui apartament mobilat cu un dormitor (BEQ / BOQ) care poate avea o chicinetă sau o bucătărie comună la etaj, dacă este disponibilă. E6 and below will be assigned to the barracks regardless of branch of service. ​ E7 and above, if they would like to live in housing on base (post), should contact housing regarding the availability of the one-bedroom furnished apartments (BEQ/BOQ) that may have a kitchenette or a shared main floor kitchen if available. Din păcate, animalele de companie nu sunt permise în baracă. Recomand cu tărie membrilor să vorbească cu liderii lor înrolați cu privire la posibilele opțiuni înainte de a face alte aranjamente pentru animalele de companie. Accompanied Personnel with Command Sponsored Dependents A pilot program signed in June 2020 addressed the housing assignment priority. After a town hall, the new plan was put in place after community members voiced concerns with the previous policy assigning members to base housing only based on the arrival date, regardless of rank or family situation. O4-O6, CW3-CW5 & E7-E9 (Who are not Key & Essential) May choose to reside off base or request base housing Prioritization for Family Housing ​1. Personnel identified as Key & Essential 2. E1-E6, CW1-CW2, O1-O3 (Based on housing grade & bedroom availability) 3. Personnel requesting base housing Waitlist Your eligibility date for housing is determined by the date you departed your last permanent duty station. ​ You can move up or down the waitlist based on priority. Priority factors include the number of family members, rank, and time in service. Once you are in the top 10% of the list, you will be in the “freeze zone.” This means your place is frozen on the list, no one can jump you, and you can not be moved down. ​ Exclusions Personal însoțit cu dependenți sponsorizați de comandă (...) Un program pilot semnat în iunie 2020 a abordat prioritatea de atribuire a locuințelor. După o primărie, noul plan a fost pus în aplicare după ce membrii comunității și-au exprimat îngrijorările cu privire la politica anterioară care atribuia membrii să locuiască de bază numai în funcție de data sosirii, indiferent de rang sau situația familiei. (...) O4-O6, CW3-CW5 și E7-E9 (nu Key & Essential) Poate alege să locuiască de pe bază sau să solicite locuințe de bază (...) Prioritizarea pentru locuințe familiale: 1. Personal identificat ca cheie și esențial-obligatoriu 2. E1-E6, CW1-CW2, O1-O3 ( Pe baza gradului de locuință și a disponibilității dormitorului) 3. Personalul care solicită locuința de bază Lista de așteptare (...) Data eligibilității este determinată de data la care ați părăsit ultimul loc de serviciu permanent. (...) Puteți muta în sus sau în jos lista de așteptare în funcție de prioritate. Factorii prioritari includ numărul membrilor familiei, rangul și timpul în serviciu. Odată ce vă aflați în top 10% din listă, veți fi în „zona de îngheț”. Aceasta înseamnă că locul tău este înghețat pe listă și nimeni nu te poate sari și nu poți fi mutat în jos. (...) Excluderi (...) Dimensiunea familiei care necesită locuințe cu mai mult de 5 dormitoare (...) Membrii ervice S de lucru pe Kelly poate refuza locuințe disponibile pe Panzer din cauza ora navetei. Excepție medicală (EFMP) Membrul familiei EFMP va trebui evaluat de un medic. Doar după ce medicul recomandă să trăiască în afara bazei, recomandarea va fi transmisă coordonatorului EFMP și apoi comandantului. Th e Commander este singura persoană care poate autoriza o excepție de la politica. (...) (...) Locuințe la loc Informații cu privire la aspectul locuinței de bază, dimensiunea apartamentelor, etc ... pot fi găsite pe site-ul USAG Stuttgart. Th e Commander is the only person who can authorize an exception to the policy. On-Post Housing Information regarding what the base housing looks like, the apartments' size, etc... can be found on the USAG Stuttgart Website. Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) Certificat de indisponibilitate (CNA) Pentru a căuta locuințe în afara bazei, trebuie să aveți un CNA emis de biroul de locuințe. CNA-urile sunt date atunci când proiectele de locuințe nu vor exista locuințe de bază disponibile în termen de 60 de zile de la sosire. Nu semnați contracte de leasing off-post până nu primiți CNA! (...) Din păcate, este posibil ca locuința să nu facă această determinare imediat, lăsându-vă într-o criză de timp pentru a găsi locuințe înainte ca TLA să se termine. Este foarte recomandat să vă angajați mai devreme și adesea cu biroul Locuințe! Off-Base House Hunting Vânătoare în afara casei (...) Ok, ai CNA-ul tău. Acum ce? Luați o copie a listei de nerecomandări din carcasă (disponibilă doar pe hârtie - amplasată pe perete lângă ușă). Aceasta este lista agenților imobiliari, a complexelor de apartamente, etc ... care au fost interzise pe lista neagră; din numeroase motive. (...) Vi se cere să faceți check-in la Pervin Estates, care vă poate ajuta să contactați proprietarii care fac publicitate pe Cu toate acestea, utilizarea Pervin sau este încurajată doar, nu este necesară. (...) La momentul căutării de case, am găsit selecția pe lipsă, majoritatea caselor fiind în afara orașului Stuttgart sau prea mari pentru noi. Căutarea unui loc pentru a locui în afara bazei poate fi o provocare. Dacă nu aveți răbdare să navigați într-un sistem nou sau timp pentru a căuta o casă, Pervin Estates este probabil calea de urmat. How to find a rental property Base Rental Lease for Off-Post Properties Închiriere de bază (...) Baza vă încurajează să utilizați contractul de închiriere, pe care departamentul juridic de bază l-a scris având în vedere interesele voastre. Arenda de bază este scrisă în germană și engleză și conține o formulare militară, adică clauza de preaviz de 30 de zile, doar două luni de chirie pentru depozit vs. trei luni. Cu toate acestea, nu sunteți obligat să utilizați acest contract de închiriere. Din experiența noastră, mulți agenți imobiliari nu ne-ar arăta locuri dacă am insista să folosim leasingul de bază. (...) Dacă utilizați un contract de închiriere german, biroul legal trebuie să revizuiască contractul de închiriere înainte de a accepta oficial proprietatea. Biroul juridic vă oferă opinia lor profesională cu privire la contractul de închiriere și vă va informa că nu sunt obligați să vă ajute cu litigiile dintre dvs. și proprietarul dumneavoastră. (...) Dacă alegeți să utilizați un contract de închiriere german, asigurați-vă că primiți documentul de la biroul juridic care să ateste că acesta a revizuit contractul dvs. Militar o singură sursă oferă servicii de traducere gratuit pentru leasing - ul executat. (...) Am ales să folosim un contract de închiriere german și nu am avut probleme, dar fiecare situație este diferită. Advice Sfat (...) Însoțit O-3 / E-6 și mai jos și neînsoțit E-6 și mai jos să fie pregătiți să trăiască pe bază. (...) Vă încurajez să începeți cercetarea diferitelor zone în care să locuiți înainte de a ajunge la Stuttgart, dar nu luați o decizie finală până când nu vă simțiți zona. Dar, nu sunteți de acord cu nicio locuință înainte de a obține CNA. Amintiți-vă întotdeauna că un contract verbal este obligatoriu în Germania. (...) Dacă îi spui unui potențial proprietar sau agent imobiliar: „Îmi place foarte mult acest loc și vreau să mă mut, dar tot caut”, poate fi considerat obligatoriu. Declinare de responsabilitate: Nu sunt angajat de guvernul SUA. Toate declarațiile conținute sunt compilate din informații publice și / sau sunt propriile mele opinii și experiențe. Apariția linkurilor externe pe acest site nu constituie aprobare oficială în numele armatei SUA sau al Departamentului Apărării. Postările de pe acest site sunt ale mele și nu reprezintă neapărat pozițiile, strategiile sau opiniile armatei SUA. Housing Policy Unaccompanied Personnel Accompanied Personnel Certificate of Non-Availability Off-Base House Hunting Off-Base Rental Lease Advice

  • Housing | Stuttgart FAQ

    Găsirea unei case noi Căutarea unui nou loc poate fi o sarcină descurajantă, sperăm că aceste sfaturi și trucuri vă vor ajuta să navigați mai bine în proces. Active Duty Military - Începeți aici Read this first before starting your home search. Rental Listing Sites There are many rental listing sites available, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and location. The most popular rental listing sites are listed below. ​ Read More Listing Translations Here you will find Common terms and phrases that you may come across in German rental listings, along with translations and explanations. ​ Read More Listing Descriptions Here you will find some standard terms and phrases that you may come across in German rental listings, along with translations and explanations. ​ Read More Register for an Account You will only receive a response on properties if you register for a free account. Please read more about how to register for an account and what information you should and shouldn't include based on your circumstances. Read More Scheduling a Showing Setting up an appointment to view a property can be a daunting and frustrating task, but it is possible. Read more for tips and tricks on scheduling a home showing. ​ Read More Unexpected Norms It is not uncommon for rental properties in Germany to exclude everyday items you usually find in an apartment. ​ Read More Areas of Stuttgart Stuttgart is known for its cultural attractions, parks, and natural beauty. It is home to a number of distinct neighborhoods, each with its own character and amenities. ​ Read More Rental Costs Rental costs in Germany can vary depending on several factors, such as the location, size, and condition of the rental property, the length of the lease, and any additional fees or charges. Read More Ending Your Contract Time to move again. Here you will find what is needed to cancel your rental contract in Germany. Understanding your rights and obligations under the terms of the agreement is essential. Read More

  • Gifts | Stuttgart FAQ

    Top of Page Beverage Gifts Candy & Chocolate Gifts Coffee & Tea Gifts Speciality Food Gifts Souvenirs Wedding Gifts New Baby Gifts Toys & Games Experiences Gift Wrapping Care Package Translations Gifts 1 Gifts 2 Gifts 3 Gifts 4 Gifts 5 Gifts 6 Gifts 7 Gifts 8 Gifts 9 Gifts 10 Gifts 11 Gifts 12 Gifts 13 Gifts 14 Gifts 15 Gifts 16 Gifts 17 Gifts 18 Gifts 19 Gifts 20 Gifts 21 Gifts 22 Gifts 23 Magazine de îmbrăcăminte și multe altele If you're looking for the perfect gift to send to your loved ones from Stuttgart, Germany, look no further! Stuttgart FAQ has compiled a list of their all-time favorite gift ideas in one convenient place. From bottles of wine from the nearby wine region of Württemberg to traditional German clothing and baskets filled with local specialties, there's something for everyone on your list; you're sure to find the perfect gift for your friends and family back home. And the best part? You don't have to spend hours searching for the perfect present – Stuttgart FAQ has done the work for you! Navigate to the Perfect Gift for Beverages For the Cocktail Lover Find great gifts for the cocktail lovers in your life. We have covered you whether they prefer wine, whiskey, beer, or anything else! Shop Beverage Gifts Coffee & Tea For the Caffeine Lover With Stuttgart's many exceptional roasters, you will find the perfect gift for someone who can't live without their daily dose of caffeine. Shop Coffee & Tea Gifts Souvenirs For the Collector Find the perfect gift to share a little bit of Stuttgart with your loved ones. Here you will find unique Stuttgart-branded gifts. Shop Souvenirs New Baby Gifts For the Kid at Heart Discover a fantastic gift for the newborn in your life, from handmade toys to traditional German costumes. Shop New Baby Gifts Experiences For the Adventurer Find the perfect, once-in-a-lifetime experience in Stuttgart! The city has something to offer for every type of adventurer. Shop Experiences Care Package Idea With Love from Stuttgart Stuttgart FAQ shares their favorite care package from Stuttgart to send their loved ones. Go to Care Package Candy & Chocolate For the Candy Lover There is no shortage of tasty chocolate and candy made in Germany. So finding a great gift will be easy. Shop Candy & Chocolate Gifts Speciality Foods For the Foodie Impress your favorite foodie with a gift basket brimming with Schwäbisch treats. You are sure to find the perfect gift in any price range. Shop Food Gifts Wedding Gifts For the New Couple Find great German gifts for a newly married couple in your life. Shop Wedding Gifts Toys & Games For the Kid at Heart Find great gifts for the kids in your life or for the adult that is a kid at heart. Shop Toys & Games Gift Wrapping Final Touch You found the perfect gift from Germany. You just need the final touch. Find where to buy gift boxes, bows, wrapping paper, and more. Shop Gift Wrapping Translations Don't Give Poison Gift-related words translated from English to German. Go to Translations Our website is supported by our users. This site contains links to an affiliate website. We receive a small affiliate commission for any purchases you make on the affiliate website using such links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Beverage Gifts Stuttgart FAQ has you covered if you're looking for the perfect gift for the cocktail lover in your life. From wine and beer to spirits and sodas, the country is home to a wide range of high-quality beverages that satisfy any thirst. If you're looking for an alcoholic gift, consider purchasing a bottle from the nearby wine region of Württemberg. The area is known for its red, white, and sparkling varieties, so you can find something to suit every taste. Or, for the beer enthusiasts in your life, Germany is home to several famous breweries that produce a wide range of beers, from light lagers to rich, dark ales. For those who prefer non-alcoholic options, Germany is also home to several unique sodas and other beverages. From fruity flavors to traditional herbal concoctions, there's something for everyone to enjoy. No matter what you choose, the cocktail lover in your life will surely appreciate a thoughtful gift from Germany. So why wait? Start shopping today and find the perfect beverage gift! Navigate to Spirits View More Wine View More Beer View More Non-Alcoholic View More Souvenir Glasses View More Spirits Stuttgart Dry Gin started as a crazy idea. Two good friends from Stuttgart who met by chance years ago shared a common passion: Gin! Their passion became the dream of creating a perfect gin. The result came to the market in December 2016 after more than two years of recipe and idea development: GINSTR! Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Appla us dry gin is handcrafted right here in Stuttgart. Created by a chemist, Dr. Hans-Otto Fre , after owning an apple orchard for ten years. He started his own distillery and began creating a wide variety of spirits. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Since the 1980s, after creating an award-winning pear brandy, Berner has continued producing liqueurs using locally grown ingredients. All liqueurs are made in-house just outside of Stuttgart. ​ ​ Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Less than an hour outside Stuttgart, the Fessler family has been making spirits on the same land for over 625 years using their spring water. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Beverage Gifts Spirits Wine Stuttgart is the largest wine region in Germany, with over 4000 hectares of vineyards. Below is only a tiny sampling of the fantastic wineries in Stuttgart. Since the 19th century, the city of Stuttgart has owned and operated vineyards within the city limits. The city is dedicated to protecting the wine-growing region of Stuttgart. The vineyards are taken care of by a small team with the help of many volunteers. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now The Wöhrwag family has been growing grapes for six generations. The Wöhrags philosophy is, "tradition, passion, enjoyment, and above all, a lot of love for wine." In an interview, Hans-Peter Wöhrag said (translated), "We offer elegant slender wines that are fun to drink and don't need to be fussed about." Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Weinfactum produces handmade wines from the best locations around Stuttgart. Swabian classics reinterpreted and international grape varieties with their own signature. Their motto is, "honest wines from a master hand." Stuttgart FAQ Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Founded in 2012, Weingut im Hattenlog's goal is to create exceptional wines in harmony with nature, through careful care of the vines and targeted yield regulation as well as one hundred percent hand-picking, paired with passion and skill in the expansion of the wines. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Wine Beer Beer Ten friends who went on beer trips together every year realized Stuttgart was missing a craft brewery. So, they founded the first one in Stuttgart and they did it really well. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now The Dinkelacker family has been brewing beer in Stuttgart since 1888. Using only top-quality ingredients and extending the aging period gives Dinkelacker beer a more developed taste. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Stuttgarter Hofbräu's history began in 1591 when the Monks of St. Luzen-Klosters started brewing beer. In 1883, Stuttgarter Hofbräu became the official brewer of the royal court. With a history dating this far back, you know Stuttgarter Hofbräu has perfected beer. Stuttgart FAQ Store Finder The Bierothek® - the specialist shop for everything to do with beer. The Bierothek® sees itself as the first point of contact when it comes to unusual beer specialties, international craft beers, or simply beer-based products. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Non-Alcoholic Beverages mezzo mix is made by Coka-Cola Deutschland. It all started in Bavaria, in 1973. This is where Cola and Orange kissed and became a couple - known as mezzo mix. Buy Now After the second world war, the Reigel Company, one of the first breweries, observed that many restaurants were mixing cola and orange lemonade. However, the concoction was time-consuming for the bartender, and leftover lemonade and cola became stale. Thus, the brewery had the idea of ​​offering a ready-mixed drink. The success was resounding. Buy Now In 2002, two friends decided in their Hamburg dorm room starting from scratch with only a few thousand euros and determination, they created fritz-kola. The mission, "create a kola better than anything that 'big cola' has to offer." Buy Now BIONADE has been the pioneer among organic soft drinks for more than 25 years. Bionade offers a natural, less sweet, and fair alternative to lemonades made from good ingredients. Buy Now Souvenir Glasses Beer Mug Shop Now Beer Stein Shop Now Shot Glass Shop Now Weißbier Glass Shop Now Non-Alcoholic SouvenirGlasses Candy & Chocolate Gifts Stuttgart is known for its delicious confectionery. From traditional German sweets like Lebkuchen and Schwäbische Kirschtorte to modern chocolates and pastries, Stuttgart has something for every sweet tooth. If you're looking for a unique gift for the sweet tooth in your life, Stuttgart is the perfect place to find it. Whether you prefer traditional German sweets or modern chocolate and pastry creations, you'll be sure to find something to satisfy your craving for something sweet. Ritter Sport is a Stuttgart staple. Established in 1912, Ritter Sport is still owned and operated by the same family today. Ritter Sport has many different types of chocolate bars, and all are delicious. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now The Confiserie Selbach has produced hand-made chocolate confectionaries for several generations in Stuttgart. In addition, Confiserie Selbach offers beautiful wooden gift boxes filled with chocolate delights. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Kevin Kugel, a German master chocolatier uses only the best ingredients. His philosophy is to provide outstanding quality, transparent manufacturing processes, and original chocolate taste. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now For three generations in the same location in Stuttgart, Schoko-Paradies has been hand-making pralines and chocolates for over 50 years. Stuttgart FAQ Location Founded in 1920 Heigel Riegel began making sweets in his small kitchen. In 1922 he created the dancing bear which launched him into a major success. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now In 1950 Klaus Fassin began selling his tiny black licorice cats, Katjes .(Katjes"=Cat in Dutch). Katjes' makes their candies with all-natural, local, plant-based ingredients. Katjes' sherbet, sold under the brand name Ahoj-Brause, is manufactured in Remshalden near Stuttgart. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Katjes Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Ahoj-Brause Candy & Chocolate Gifts Coffee & Tea Gifts Stuttgart is a city known for its love of coffee and tea, and with so many unique coffee roasters and shops to choose from, it's easy to find the perfect gift for the coffee or tea lover in your life. For coffee lovers, Stuttgart is home to several fantastic roasters, each with its unique blend and style. Tea lovers will also find plenty to love in Stuttgart, with several high-quality tea shops offering a wide variety of loose-leaf teas and tisanes. The TeaGschwendner is a popular destination for tea enthusiasts, with over 150 varieties, including rare and hard-to-find blends. They also offer tea tastings and workshops, making it the perfect gift for the tea lover. Whether you're looking for coffee or tea, Stuttgart has something to suit every taste and budget. So if you're looking for the perfect gift for the coffee or tea lover in your life, look no further than Stuttgart's vibrant and diverse coffee and tea scene. Coffee & Tea Gifts In 1930, Hochland Kaffee began roasting award-winning coffee in Stuttgart. Hochland offers impressive gift baskets with many of their items showcasing beautifully designed packages highlighting Stuttgart. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now A local business with a passion for Coffee. Harry's specializes in rare, fair trade, and, sustainable cultivation. Offering over 50 types of coffee, you are sure to find a unique, special blend. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now "Brew What You Love - Love What You Brew" Founded in 2014 in Stuttgart's Mókuska strives to roast the best coffee town. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Heiko Blocher aims to provide sustainable coffee with a perfect taste. Schwarzmahler coffee and tea supports their model of cooperative action and fair dealings with one another. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Locally hand-roasted coffee from ethically traded and sustainable sources. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Tee Gschwnder is the leading German retailer of premium, quality teas from around the world. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Although made in Italy, Pocket Coffee is an excellent gift for the coffee lover. Chocolate and a shot of espresso on the go. Who wouldn't love a package of Pocket Coffee? Buy Now Speciality Food Gifts Speciality Foods Stuttgart is a food lover's paradise, with a wide range of specialty food stores offering a variety of high-quality, locally produced products. So whether you're looking for traditional German specialties or international flavors, you'll find something to suit every taste in Stuttgart. For international and traditional German selections, the Markthalle Stuttgart is a great place to find a variety of specialty foods from around the world. From Italian olive oils and balsamic vinegar to Japanese tea and sake, you'll find something for every foodie at this vibrant market. No matter what your foodie friend or loved one is into, you'll find the perfect gift in Stuttgart's many specialty food stores. Navigate to Gourmet Food View More Snack Foods View More Gourmet Food Gifts Enkle Schulz is your go-to place for all things Swabian. Pick your favorite items, and one of their friendly employees will create a beautiful gift basket for you. Stuttgart FAQ Include the legend of the pretzel with your gift. Shop Now Johannes Berner began as a part-time fruit farmer and distiller. From there they began making jams, vinegar, and much more. In 1994, he opened his first wholesale store. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now In 1889 the Böhm brothers opened their first small delicatessen store on Schloßstraße. Feinkost Böhm offers exceptional local gourmet food gift baskets for every occasion. Sign up for their customer loyalty card and receive a discount. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Local Honey The taste and quality of German honeys are some of the best in the world, if not the very best. Support local beekeepers and purchase directly from the source. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now You don't have to wait until Christmas to buy Lebkuchen at Schmidt's. You will find Lebkuchen any time of the year. Stuttgart FAQ Shop Now Snack Foods Peanut flips are made from corn, are extremely crispy, and incredibly tasty. Flips have a similar texture to Cheeto puffs and taste like unsweetened peanut butter. They sound strange but are really delicious. Shop Now In 1985, with the introduction of Super Dickmann's, Dickmann turned a nameless chocolate kiss into a branded product by optimizing the recipe and promoting the product for the first time. With the slogan “Man, is the Dickmann” Shop Now The famous Bavarian specialty with high-quality pork, fresh parsley, and the best ingredients. Zimmermann's veal sausage is seasoned according to tradition. Prince Regent Luitpold appreciated Zimmermann's specialty and appointed the company's founder as the supplier to the royal Bavarian court in 1906. Buy Now Gourmet Food Snack Foods Souvenirs Souvenirs Stuttgart has a rich history and culture, making it the perfect place to find unique and meaningful souvenirs to bring back as gifts for friends and loved ones. Stuttgart FAQ has many great items highlighted to get you started, but if you are out and about, visit Stuttgart's Visitor Center across the street from Hauptbahnhof. They have a small store with various Stuttgart-branded gifts to choose from. Another option is to visit one of the city's many museums, such as the Mercedes-Benz Museum or the Stuttgart Art Museum, which offer a range of souvenirs and gifts related to their collections. These could include books, clothing, and other items featuring artwork or branding from the museum. No matter what you're looking for, you're sure to find the perfect souvenir for a gift in Stuttgart. The city has something for everyone, from traditional German crafts to modern and unique items. VfB Stuttgart branded items for the soccer lover. Traditional, exquisitely made Dirndls and Lederhosen. The perfect gift for the entire family. TV Tower Art Print Shop Now Stuttgart Skyline Cutting Board Shop Now Stuttgart Skyline Bread Pot Shop Now Wooden Stuttgart Watch Shop Now 0711 Classic Cap Shop Now 0711 Beanie Shop Now 0711 Hoodie Shop Now 0711 Socks Shop Now STUGGILETTEN "PRIDE 2.0" Shop Now TV Tower Bath Set Shop Now 0711 Towel Shop Now Stuttgart T-Shirt Shop Now Stuttgart Water Bottle Shop Now Pretzel Sponge Shop Now Stuttgart Coasters Shop Now Leave-In Conditioner Made in Stuttgart Shop Now Dog Soap Shop Now 0711 Soap Shop Now Hand & Foot Gift Set Shop Now Milk & Honey Soap Gift Set Shop Now Wedding Gifts Stuttgart Umbrella Shop Now Stuttgart Summer Hat Shop Now Stuttgart Baseball Cap Shop Now Stuttgart Magnet Bottle Opener Shop Now Wedding Gifts Finding the perfect wedding gift for a couple can be challenging, especially if you're unsure what they need or already have. If you're in Stuttgart and looking for unique and thoughtful gifts for a couple tying the knot, here are some ideas below to get you started . No matter what you choose, the most important thing is to give a gift that comes from the heart and shows the couple how much you care about them. The Nuernberg Bridal Cup Legend of the Nuernberg Bridal Cup Centuries ago, in old Nuernberg, the Nobel mistress Kunigunde fell in love with a young and ambitious goldsmith. Although Kunigunde's wealthy father (a powerful nobleman) disapproved of this pair, it was clear that she only wanted the goldsmith to be her husband as she refused many titled and wealthy suitors who asked for her hand in marriage. Her father became so enraged that he had the young goldsmith thrown into the darkest dungeon. Not even his daughter's bitter tears would change her father's mind. To her father's dismay, imprisoning the young man did not end his daughter's love for the goldsmith. Instead, he could only watch as his daughter grew paler and paler due to the separation from her true love. The wealthy nobleman reluctantly made the following proposal: He told his daughter, "If your goldsmith can make a chalice from which two people can drink at the same time without spilling one single drop, I will free him, and you shall become his bride." Of course, he was confident nobody could perform such a task... Inspired by love and skillful hands, the young goldsmith created a masterpiece. He sculpted a girl with a smile as beautiful as his true love's. Her skirt was hollowed to serve as a cup; she raised her arms, held a bucket that swivels so that it could be filled, and swung towards a second drinker. The goldsmith met the nobleman's challenge. The goldsmith and the nobleman's daughter joined hands in marriage. The bridal cup set forth a romantic and memorable tradition that is as charming today as hundreds of years ago. Instructions: Hold the bridal cup upside down to fill it. Pour champagne or a beverage of your choice into the hollow skirt end. Next, fill the smaller swiveling cup that is now upright. Carefully fill the small cup. With both cups full, the bride and groom must stand close together, facing each other, with only enough space for the cup. The bride takes the smaller cup in her hand while the groom holds onto the larger cup. At the same time and together, the couple raises the cup to their lips to drink. The couple must be careful because love, faithfulness, and good luck will be theirs forever if they can drink without spilling a drop! Download Shop Now Sweep away the evil from a new home Shop Now The essentials for a new home Shop Now Stuttgart Tea Towel Shop Now Stuttgart Skyline Key Rack Shop Now Valley of Love Gift Box Shop Now New Baby Gifts New Baby Gifts Becoming a parent is an exciting and life-changing event, and there's no better way to celebrate the arrival of a new baby than with a thoughtful gift. If you're in Stuttgart and looking for the perfect present for a new arrival, below are some ideas to get you started. I have personally ordered from this seller on eBay. Her dirndls are beautifully crafted and the price is fantastic. Baby Dirndl with Booties Shop Now Baby Dirndl Shop Now Size Conversions Onesie Shop Now Romper Shop Now Size Conversions TV Tower Baby Shirt Shop Now 0711 Baby Bib Shop Now In the early 1900s, Josef Friedrich Schmidt, a native of Amberg, Germany, invented the game, Mensch ärgere Dich nicht®, in a small garage in a working-class neighborhood of Munich called Giesing. As the mother of all games, it's a true classic that quickly "rose to become the most popular game of the nation." Quieki Squeaky Ball Shop Now Jumping Gnome Shop Now Stacking Ambulance Shop Now For three generations, the Swabian Habermaass Family has been making quality toys. Playwrap Funny Bear Shop Now Walker Wagon Shop Now Personalized Pacifer Strap Shop Now Toys & Games Toys & Games Toys and games make for fun and memorable gift for children of all ages. If you're looking for the perfect plaything for a special little someone, below are some ideas to get you started. Porsche 911 Engine Shop Now Stuttgart City Puzzle Shop Now Stuttgart Monopoly Shop Now I Love Stuttgart Bear Shop Now For three generations, the Swabian Habermaass Family has been making quality toys. TV Tower Wood Puzzle Shop Now Stacking TV Tower Shop Now 0711 Bicycle Bell Shop Now Musical Sounds Shop Now Ball Track Shop Now 3-D Arranging Game Shop Now Affle & Pferdle Memory Game Shop Now Stuttgart Coloring Book Shop Now Search & Find Book Shop Now In the early 1900s, Josef Friedrich Schmidt, a native of Amberg, Germany, invented the game, Mensch ärgere Dich nicht®, in a small garage in a working-class neighborhood of Munich called Giesing. As the mother of all games, it's a true classic that quickly "rose to become the most popular game of the nation." Car Bingo Shop Now Cafe in Munich Puzzle Shop Now Hands Up Game Shop Now Volksfest Bear Shop Now Volksfest Plush Rabbit Shop Now Time Travel at Volksfest Book Shop Now Experiences Experiences Gifting someone an experience can be a unique and meaningful way to show appreciation or love for that person. If you're considering giving an experience in Stuttgart, Germany, there are plenty of options! ​ No matter what type of experience you choose to gift, it's the thought that counts. Whether it's tickets to a show, a tour of a museum, or a day in the great outdoors, an experience gift is a unique and memorable way to show someone you care. We have some fantastic ideas gathered for you below. Tickets to a soccer game. Jochen Schweizer offers over 4,000 experiences in Stuttgart for you to choose from. Just a few of their offers are listed below. Dinner in the Dark Scary Dinner Gin Tasting Archery Hot Air Balloon Paintball Partner/Family/Pet Photoshoots Whisky Tasting Survival Tag Arrow Tag Bubble Soccer Rent a Porsche for a Day Skydiving Workshops ​ ​ Gift Wrapping Gift Wrapping Wrapping gifts is often seen as a tedious task, but it can be a fun and creative way to put the final touch on the perfect gift. Not only does gift wrapping make the present look more attractive and polished, but it also adds a personal touch that shows the recipient that you took the time and effort to make their gift special. In the end, it's the thought that counts, and taking the time to wrap a gift beautifully is a thoughtful gesture that will be appreciated by anyone who receives it. So don't be afraid to get creative and have fun with your gift wrapping – it's the perfect finishing touch to the perfect gift. So let your creativity fly; you can find the supplies at one of the stores below. Idee offers a wide selection of wrapping paper, gift tags, and bags. Nanu-Nana carries a fantastic selection of gift boxes and unique gifts. Shop Now dm offers a wide selection of greeting cards, wrapping paper, gift bags & more. Shop Now Care Package Translations Pictured above: Reusable Stuttgart shopping bag. The bag pictured was purchased at Edeka for under 2€. ​ Brezel Box. Make Schwabian pretzels at home. Purchase a Brezel Box at Enkel Schulz . Stuttgart mugs and German flag magnet purchased from the EuroShop for 1€ or have them delivered from Amazon. ​ Weißwurst and Händlmaier's mustard. Make your gift more special and include t he traditional serving terrine. ​ Chocolate ​ Ritter Sport Milka Hanuta Happy Hippos Pocket Coffee Dickmann's Candy Hairbo​ Airwaves Hochland Coffee, Tea and Chocolate Maultaschen Hochland is a German company producing high-quality coffee and tea products since the 1950s in Stuttgart. It's products include roasted coffee beans, ground coffee, coffee pods, and various teas. Honey German honey is known for its high quality and diverse range of flavors. The country has a long tradition of beekeeping, and its varied landscape allows for producing various honey types. Germany is home to over 250 different types of honey, each with its own unique flavor and color. Flips Peanut flips are the timeless snack classic, wonderfully crunchy and yet melt-in-your-mouth. They have the same texture as cheese puffs but are peanut flavored. Translations English Basket Gift Gift Bag Gift Box Poison Ribbon Tape to give a present Wrapping Paper German Korb Geschenk Geschenktüte Geschenkschachtel Gift Band Klebeband schenken Geschenkpapier Stuttgart Care Package Sending care packages to loved ones is a thoughtful and meaningful way to show your love and support, especially if you can't be there in person. So let your friends and family know you are thinking about them, and send them some love from Stuttgart, Germany. Below we will give you our go-to things to send home and where to buy them.

  • Hardware Stores | Stuttgart FAQ

    Magazine de mobilă OTTO offers you a wide selection of products - from multimedia & household electronics to fashion & lingerie for women, men, and children to furniture, home accessories, and hardware store items. MFO's motto is, "sleep better cheaply." MFO offers mattresses for every budget. MFO also offers slatted frames, pillows, bed linen - in short, everything you need for a good night's sleep. MFO sets itself apart from other stores by offering king-size mattresses. E+H MEYER is an owner-managed company, offering unique furniture home accessories at fair prices for over 60 years in Stuttgart. JYSK offers high-quality Scandanavian furniture at good prices. All their gold mattresses come with a 25-year warranty. Möbel AS offers its customers a wide range from all living areas at extremely reasonable prices. ROLLER prides itself on offering "clever furnishing," so you can furnish your house with great things on a small budget. For over 125 years Hofmeister has been offering stylish furniture and home accessories. Hofmeister provides a large selection of furniture from well-known manufacturers as well as Hofmeister's own brands with different furniture styles with a good price-quality ratio. Petra Home Collection features furniture and decor for every room in your home. Petra provides fully customizable solid wood furniture made in Europe from sustainable resources and quality upholstery from the finest fabrics and textiles. Price-conscious customers will find a comprehensive range of furniture, kitchens, housewares, home textiles, paints, wallpapers, carpets, electrical goods, and more at Poco. XXXLutz offers furniture and home accessories in a wide variety of styles, materials, and price ranges. XXXLutz focuses on customer satisfaction and is dedicated to offering all products related to living at the best price and the best quality. IKEA furniture and home accessories are practical, well designed, and affordable. IKEA is an excellent choice for those who often move with over 400 stores in 63 different countries. You can always find that matching piece of furniture or a replacement dish. Join the free Ikea Family program to receive exclusive advantages, product replacement if damaged during transport or assembly, a free hot drink, workshops, discounts, digital receipts, and more. New Furniture This site contains links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Pre-Owned Furniture Pre-Owned Furniture Bookoo is a website selling items locally, a free place to buy and sell stuff from your neighbors, similar to Craigslist, and is primarily Americans on the site. No shipping, no fees, no difficulties. Caritas sells all types of donated furniture so you can set yourself up completely in your new home. Accepts donations You can find good deals for pre-loved furniture and household accessories on eBay Kleinanzeingen. This site is only local people selling. There is no bidding; prices are set. The Femos-Möbelhalle in Böblingen-Hulb offers second-hand and new furniture.Purchase inexpensive furniture and furnishings while reducing the amount of bulky waste in an ecologically sensible way. Accepts donations with pick-up service Nimm's mit beim Schmidt sells used and floor model furniture from modern to antiques at great prices. Translations Translations Rooms in the Home English Attic Balcony Basement Bathroom Bedroom Cellar Child's B edroom Dining Room Garden Hall Kitchen Living Room Office Room Study Terrace German* Dachboden Balkon Souterrain Badezimmer Schlafzimmer Keller Kinderzimmer Esszimmer Garten Flur Küche Wohnzimmer Büro Zimmer Arbeitszimmer Terrasse Furnishings English Air Mattress Armchair Bed Blanket Cabinet Carpet Chair Changing Table Chest of Drawers Clock Coat Rack Coffee Table Couch Crib Curtain Desk Dining Table Dresser Furniture Highchair Lamp Light Lounge Chair Mattress Mirror Night Stand Ottoman Outdoor Furniture Picture Picture Frame Piece of Furniture Pillow Pillowcase Reclining Chair Rocking Chair Sheets Shelf Shoe Storage Side Table Sofa Sofa Bed Sun Lounger Table Towel Wardrobe German* Luftmatratze -n Sessel -s Bett -en Decke -n Schrank -äe Teppich -s Stuhl -üe Wickeltisch -e Kommode - Uhr -en Kleiderablage - Couchtisch - Couch -es Babybett -en Vorhang -äe / Gardine -n Schreibtisch -e Esstishch -e Kommode - Möbel Hochstuhl -üe Lampe -n Licht -s Klubsessel -s Matratze -n Spiegel -s Nachttisch -e Fußhocker -s Gartenmöbel Bild -er Bildrrahmen -s Möbelstück Kissen -s Kopfkissenbezug -üe Ruhesessel -s Schaukelstuhl -üe Bettlaken Regal -e Schuhaufbewahrung -en Beistelltisch -e Sofa -s Schlafcouch -es Sonnenliege Tisch -e Handtuch -üer Kleiderschrank -äe Materials English Cotton Down Fabric Faux Leather Glass Leather Metal Plastic Suede Upholstered Wood German* Baumwolle -n Daune Stoff -e Kunstleder -s Glas -äer Leder -s Metall -e Kunstoff -e Veloursleder -s gepolstert Holz -öer Colors English Black Blue Brown Gold Gray Green Orange Pink Purple Red Silver White Yellow ​ German schwarz blau braun Gold grau grün orange rosa lila rot Silber weiß gelb *Text color indicates the article gender der die das die More Shopping Top of Page New Furniture Pre-Owned Furniture Translations Hardware Stores 1 Hardware Stores 2 Hardware Stores 3 Hardware Stores 4

  • Mail | Stuttgart FAQ

    Top of Page Mail Fowarding Forwarding from USA Forwarding from Germany Certified Mail APO Addresses APO & Amazon Custom Forms Prohibited Mail Internationally Prohibited Mail Into Germany Prohibited Mail USAG Stuttgart Translations Mail 1 Mail 2 Mail 3 Mail 4 Mail 5 Mail 6 Mail 7 Mail 8 Mail 9 Mail 10 Mail Moving to a new country can be an exciting but also overwhelming experience. There are so many things to think about and organize, and one of those things is how to handle your mail. Here are some things you should know about mail in Germany : ​ Postal addresses in Germany are formatted differently than in some other countries. The format is: Name of recipient, street name and house number, postal code, city or town. For example: Herr Max Mustermann Musterstraße 123 12345 Musterstadt Postal codes in Germany are made up of five digits. The first two digits represent the city or region, and the last three represent the delivery area within that city or region. Germany has a comprehensive and efficient postal system, and mail delivery is generally reliable. However, it is not uncommon for mail to be delayed, especially around holidays. If you are moving from Germany and want your mail forwarded to your new address, you can fill out a form at the post office or online to have your mail forwarded for a period of time. This service is called "Nachsendeauftrag" in German. If you rent a place in Germany, you may need to provide a copy of your rental contract to the post office to receive mail at your new address. If you live in a shared apartment or house, you must have everyone's last name listed on the mailbox for each individual or family living there. It is also a good idea to inform your bank, employer, and any other important contacts of your new address in Germany so that you can receive important mail and documents without delay. ​ ​ Moving to a new country can be daunting, but with some planning and organization, you can make the transition as smooth as possible. Don't forget to take care of your mail, as it is an important aspect of settling into your new home. Navigate to Forwarding Learn how to forward your mail from USPS and Deutsche Post. ​ ​ Read More Certified Mail Learn how to send a certified letter through Deutsche Post. ​ ​ Read More APO Addresses Explore the ins and out about shipping to and from your APO including how to fill out those pesky customs forms. Read More Translations Learn common German words related to mail with our helpful English to German translation guide. Read More Mail Forwarding Completing an online form only takes a few minutes to forward your mail to your new address. However, keep in mind that it may take longer for mail to reach you from another country and that there may be customs fees or other charges associated with receiving mail from abroad. Below you will find the steps to forward your mail from the USA to Germany and from Germany to anywhere else in the world. Navigate to Forwarding from the USA View More Forwarding from Germany View More Mail Fowarding Mail Forwarding from the USA The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a mail forwarding service for individuals moving or temporarily changing their mailing address. Mail forwarding begins within three business days of your submitted request, but it can take up to 2 weeks. Mail will be forwarded as USPS receives it. Do not forget to complete a change of address form when leaving for your CMR. Types of Mail Forwarded for Free ​ First-Class™ mail forwarded for 12 months Periodicals (newsletters and magazines) forwarded for 6 months Premium shipping services (Priority Mail®, Priority Mail Express®, First-Class Package®) forwarded for 12 months Types of Mail Forwarded for the Cost of Shipping ​ ​ Media Mail® and USPS Retail Ground® forwarded for 12 months Types of Mail Not Forwarded ​ ​ ​ USPS Marketing Mail® is not forwarded unless specifically requested . How to Change Your USA Address Forward Your Mail to an International Address To Forward your mail to an international address, you must visit the post office in person and complete a PS Form 3575. Forward Your Mail To or From an APO/FPO To change your address to or from an APO/FPO, start by visiting the USPS Change of Address site. At this time, you can also update your voter registration. Mail Forwarding from Germany Deutsche Post offers a mail forwarding service for individuals moving or temporarily changing their mailing address. Submit your request five business days before mail forwarding should start. After that, Deutsche Post forwards all mail for 12 months. Forward Your Mail From Germany Download Chrome before beginning for automatic translation of the Deutsche Post site. The English version of their site does not give the same options. Download Chrome Forwarding from USA Forwarding from Germany How to Send a Registered Letter via Deutsche Post Toate scrisorile de anulare trebuie trimise prin e-mail înregistrat . To send a letter or package using registered mail through Deutsche Post, you can visit a post office and request the service or arrange for registered mail delivery online. ​ Once your mail item has been processed and sent, you can track its progress through the Deutsche Post tracking system. APO An APO address is a military address used for sending mail to military personnel stationed overseas or in areas where standard USPS delivery is unavailable. APO stands for "Army Post Office," and all branches of the military use this type of address. One of the main benefits of having an APO address is that it allows military personnel to receive mail and packages from the United States while stationed abroad. Are you confused about what you can ship to and from your APO? Have questions about Amazon shipping to an APO? Need help filling out a customs form? You can find the answers to these questions and more below. Navigate to APO Addresses & Amazon View More How to Complete a Customs Form View More Prohibited Items Sent Internationally View More Prohibited Items Sent Into Germany View More Prohibited Mail To & From USAG Stuttgart View More Certified Mail APO Addresses APO Addresses & Amazon There seems to be much confusion regarding how to use Amazon with an APO . An APO is a USA Address ​ Use to order something to be sent to your APO address. Use to have something sent directly to your house. However, if you use to have something sent to your APO, it will be first sent to the USA and then back to Germany, and you may have to pay tariffs on the item. It has been said that there are some problems when ordering from and shipping to your home address on the base. So instead of sending it to your home, the easiest solution is to send it to a pick-up location . To ship to pick-up locations, the items must be dispatched or fulfilled by . Amazon Pick-Up Locations Closest to Base Housing Kelley Pick-Up Times Monday-Sunday-- 24 Hours Patch Pick-Up Times Monday-Sunday-- 24 Hours Panzer Pick-Up Times Monday-Friday--0800-1800 Saturday-- 0800-1200 Robinson Pick-Up Times Monday-Saturday-- 0700-2359 APO & Amazon Customs Forms USPS on base will no longer accept handwritten customs forms. Instead, you can print your postage and customs forms at home, making the process faster at the post office. Weigh your packages using your kitchen or bathroom scale for a large box. If you don't have a printer, you can complete the customs form using the computer at the post office.​ All items weighing over 16 ounces must have customs forms. This includes returned items. ​ Packages from an APO to an APO/FPO/DPO must have a customs form, including packages shipped to another APO/FPO/DPO. Custom Forms How to Complete a Customs Form Următorii pași se bazează pe trimiterea unui cadou sau a documentelor, nu a articolelor vândute. (...) Step 1 Enter Sender's Information Fill out your name and address. Step 2 Enter Recipients's Information Fill out the recipient's name & address. Step 3 Enter Weight of Package Include the weight of the box. Only enter the dimensions of your package if over 12." No preprinted USPS Priority boxes measure over 12". Step 4 Select Mailing Service Shipping to an APO/FPO from an APO, you still must select the package type, but you need not purchase postage. Step 5 Select Non-Delivery Option The best choice is to return it to the sender. Your package will be returned to you if the package is undeliverable. Step 6 Enter Package Information Select an option under contents, usually gift or documents. Under Contents Description, type in the word Gift or Documents. The rest you can leave blank. Step 7 Enter Item Information Each item you send needs to have all information entered unless the same type. Enter Detailed Description Enter a short description of the item. Example: Candy Enter Item Value Do not add the value if sending multiples of the same item. This au tomatically calculates. According to the post office clerks in Stuttgart, food cannot have value. I cannot find anywhere in the USPS regulations food may not have a value. You can't leave the value blank. I usually enter $0.10- $0.25 per food item. Enter Quanity How many of this item are you shipping? Enter Weight Enter the individual weight of the item. This will automatically calculate for multiple same-type items. Tarif Number & Country of Origin Leave both of these fields blank. Complete After all information is entered click add item(s) . Step 8 Select Export Information Select package val ue is less than $2500 Step 9 Restrictions & Prohibitions Select Next: Review and Print By selecting the next step, you agree you are not sending any restricted or prohibited materials. Example of Completed Customs Form The following example is based on sending this gift in a large flat-rate box. This customs form is, for example, only. Ensure you follow the rules of the country you are shipping from and to. Prohibited Items Many items are prohibited from being sent internationally through the mail or other shipping methods. These restrictions are placed for various reasons, including safety, security, and cultural sensitivity. Prohibited Mail Internationally Prohibited Items From being Shipped Internationally Simply put, do not mail anything that can explode or rot. Aerosoli Air Bag-uri Băuturi alcoolice Muniţie Țigări Gheata uscata Explozivi Fructe și legume proaspete Benzină Marijuana (medicală sau de altă natură) Lac de unghii Parfumuri (care conțin alcool) Otravuri Dry Ice Explosives Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Gasoline Fără materiale periculoase Explozivi Gazele. Lichide inflamabile și combustibile Solide inflamabile Substanțe organice, peroxizi organici Substanțe toxice și substanțe infecțioase Material radioactiv Corozivi Diverse Fără materiale restricționate Alcoole intoxicante Arme de foc Cuțite și instrumente ascuțite Lichide, pulberi și materiale care produc mirosuri Cheile principale ale autovehiculelor și dispozitivele de lăcătușerie Substanțe și droguri controlate Mostre promoționale nesolicitate Instrumente pentru utilizare în întreprinderi de luptă cu animale Țigări și tutun fără fum Fără materie perisabilă Animale Alimente proaspete Ouă Carne și produse din carne Plantele Dăunători de plante nemailabili, animale vătămătoare și pești sau animale sălbatice capturate ilegal Specific Items Prohibited to Mail Into Germany Melatonina Absint Arme și arme, inclusiv arme de foc, părți de arme, muniție și arme imitație Articole care poartă notații politice sau religioase pe adresa Rămășițe umane Celule și baterii cu litiu, inclusiv articole care conțin celule și baterii cu litiu Plante și animale vii Melatonina Substanțe biologice infecțioase perisabile Cărți de joc, cu excepția punților complete împachetate corespunzător Boabe de coca pulverizate Materiale radioactive Prohibited Mail Into Germany Items Prohibited to Be Mailed Into & Out of USAG Stuttgart Țigări și alte produse din tutun, inclusiv frunze de tutun, tutun de mestecat și pipă, snuff și trabucuri Cafea Medicamente, vitamine și suplimente pentru oameni sau animale, excepții pentru farmaciile desemnate etc. Replică arme și dispozitive explozive inerte și piese de arme Carne, inclusiv carne conservată, oase, piele, păr, pene, coarne sau copite de animale copite și probe de lână, sigilate ermetic sau nu Fructe, legume, animale vii și plante vii Toate băuturile alcoolice Canabinoizi sintetici (...) Puteți găsi explicațiile complete ale restricțiilor în Buletinul poștal. (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) Găsiți restricțiile pentru alte coduri poștale APO / FPO / DPO aici . The complete explanations of the restrictions can be found in USPS Postal Bulletin 25 February 2021. Find the restrictions for other APO/FPO/DPO zip codes here . Prohibited Mail USAG Stuttgart Translations English Address Box Certified City Customer Envelope First Name Forwarding Last Name Letter Mail Mail Box Move Package Pick up Postage Stamp Purchase Receive Send Small Package State Tape Zip Code German Adresse Box Einschreiben Stadt Kunde ( in ) Briefumschlag Vorname Weiterleitung Nachname Brief Post Briefkasten Umzug Paket abholen Briefmarke kaufen erhalten schicken Päckchen Land Klebeband Postleitzahl *Text coloring indicates the article's gender der / die / das / die Translations

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    In the Home What can Stuttgart FAQ help you navigate in your home? Electricity Everything you need to know about the differences in voltage in Europe. Guides on plug adapters, transformers, advice on bringing electronics, gaming systems, and more. Go to Electricity Kitchen In your kitchen, dishwasher and oven knowledge are at your fingertips: translations, cleaning, conversions, and everything else you need to know, plus much more. Go to Kitchen Hard Water Your ultimate guide to keeping your skin healthy and appliances clean, along with excellent cleaning tips on dealing with the hard water in Stuttgart. Go to Hard Water Laundry All you need to know about washer and dryer symbols, translations, proper care, and much more. ​ ​ Go to Laundry Mail Learn how to forward your mail from the USA and Germany, mail a certified letter, the ins and outs of APO addresses, customs form, and more. Go to Mail

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    Sugestii Aveți un sfat pe care doriți să îl împărtășiți sau un magazin, un loc preferat, etc ... din Stuttgart pe care doriți să îl vedeți? Vă rugăm să ne contactați cu formularul de mai jos și vom lua în considerare solicitarea dvs. Alegeți o problemă Trimite Vă mulțumim că ați trimis!

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